By: Mindeleah Pollak, Upper School Judaic Studies Teacher
We all know that Parshat Yitro is famous for the first set of the Aseret HaDibrot; the Ten Commandments. Yet, one may ask why was such a monumental parsha called YITRO? One can also question why the story of Yitro was chosen to be a prelude to Matan Torah, the giving of our Torah? There had to be some sort of significant role that Yitro played at the beginning. Rav Moshe Feinstein answers these questions by explaining the first passuk of the parsha. “VAYISHMA YITRO”- and Yitro heard everything G-d did for Moshe and the Jews by bringing them out of Egypt”..... We know the whole world heard about the miracle of the Exodus from Egypt and the splitting of the Red Sea; so what’s so special about Yitro hearing of them?
The answer is that there is a difference between seeing and hearing. It’s much easier to act based on something you see, while things you hear, you just put aside as a nice story.
That’s why the Torah says that the Jews SAW the sounds of Har Sinai. That’s why Moshe didn’t break the Luchot until he SAW the Jews worshiping the Golden Calf, even though he knew they had done it. When Yitro heard of the miracles, he was so inspired that he left home and joined the Jews in the wilderness. Now we can understand why the Parsha is named after him. We may read a nice D’Var Torah or an inspirational story, but if we don’t hear it and do something about it, a chance for change has been wasted. We should all make it a point to take what we hear and read to heart, and actually make a change for the better.
Rav Yochanan Zweig shares a different thought to our first question; As great as the miracles were that happened to the Jews until now, they meant nothing unless they brought the Jews and G-d closer together. Yitro heard of the stories that happened to the Jews and he immediately converted. Putting his thoughts into action was the true end of slavery for Yitro as he did something about it.
Yitro also taught Moshe, the greatest leader of all, that there is nothing wrong with asking for help. He taught his own son-in-law, Moshe Rabbeinu the need to delegate and work with others in unity. One cannot accomplish everything on their own. Only with the help of others, can we be successful as a united nation.
Shabbat Shalom!