LS Special Schedule of Classes (Click For Details)
- What
- LS Special Schedule of Classes (Click For Details)
- When
- 5/2/2017
7:45-8:30 - Regular Davening
8:30-9:15 - Hallel and Daglanut (Big Ulam)
9:20-9:50 - 1st-3rd: GS
4th: Judaics
5th: Hebrew
9:50-10:25 - 1st-3rd: GS
4th: Hebrew
5th: Judaics
10:25-10:55 - 1A Hebrew / 1B Judaic
2A Judaic / 2B Hebrew
3A Hebrew / 3B Judaic
4th-5th: GS
11:00-11:30 - 1A Judaic / 1B Hebrew
2A Hebrew / 2B Judaic
3A Judaic / 3B Hebrew
4th-5th: GS
11:30-12:00 - 1st-3rd: Lunch
4th-5th: Recess
12:00-12:30 -1st-3rd: Recess
4th-5th: Lunch
12:30-3:30 - Yom Haatzmaut Activities
3:30-4:00 - Closing Ceremony (The Hill)